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Legal Updates 2nd Quarter April /May 2016


Section 1 – Environmental (National)

Section 2 – Safety and Health (National)

Section 3 – Safety, Health and Environmental (Draft National Legislation and Regulation)

Section 4 – Safety, Health & Environmental (Provincial Legislation & Municipal By-laws)

Section 5 – Safety, Health & Environmental (Draft Provincial Legislation & By-laws)

Please note that the full gazettes are available free on line from the Government Printing Works at www.gpwonline.co.za 

Section 1 – Environmental (National)

National Water Act 36 of 1998 

  1. Limiting the use of water for irrigation and urban purposes from the Ohrigstad and Mkhombo/Rhenosterkop and Buffelskloof Subsystems/Dams and Catchments in the Mpumalanga Province. Published in GG 39943 Notice Number 465 dated 22 April 2016.
  2. Classes and resource quality objectives of water resources for the Olifants Catchment. Published in GG 39943 Notice Number 466 dated 22 April 2016.
  3. Classes and resource quality objectives of water resources for the Olifants-Doorn Catchment. Published in GG 39943 Notice Number 467 dated 22 April 2016.
  4. Classes and resource quality objectives of water resources for the Catchments of the Upper Vaal. Published in GG 39943 Notice Number 468 dated 22 April 2016.
  5. Classes and resource quality objectives of water resources for the Catchments of the Middle Vaal. Published in GG 39943 Notice Number 469 dated 22 April 2016.
  6. Classes and resource quality objectives of water resources for the Catchments of the Lower Vaal. Published in GG 39943 Notice Number 470 dated 22 April 2016.
  7. Restrictions on the use of water for domestic, industrial and agricultural purposes in the Mzimbuvu Tsitsikamma Water Management Area in the Eastern Cape province. Published in GG 39963 Notice Number 496 dated 29 April 2016.



National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998 

  1. Consolidated Environmental Implementation and Management Plan for the Department of Environmental Affairs. Published in GG 39998 Notice Number 530 dated 19 May 2016.

National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act 10 of 2004 

  1. Non-detriment findings for Encephalartos aemulans (Ngotshe Cycad). Published in GG 40021 Notice Number 575 dated 27 May 2016.

National Water Act 36 of 1998 

  1. Limiting the use of water in terms of the Leeuw River Water Users Association. Published in GG 40021 Notice Number 600 dated 27 May 2016.

National Heritage Resources Act 25 of 1999 

  1. Declaration of National Heritage Sites. Published in GG 40013 Notice Number 34 dated 25 May 2016.

Electricity Regulation Act 4 of 2006 

  1. New electricity generation capacity Gas Programme of 100MW at the Ankerlig Power Station. Published in GG 40023 Notice Number 601 dated 27 May 2016.
  2. Additional 600MW Natural Gas Programme. Published in GG 40023 Notice Number 602 dated 27 May 2016.
  3. Renewable Energy (Solar Park) Programme. Published in GG 40023 Notice Number 603 dated 27 May 2016.

Electricity Act 41 of 1987 

  1. Licence fees payable by licensed generators of electricity. Published in GG 39985 Notice Number 219 dated 13 May 2016.

Petroleum Pipelines Levies Act 28 of 2004 

  1. Levy and interest payable on petroleum pipelines industry. Published in GG 39990 Notice Number 282 dated 17 May 2016.







Section 2 – Safety and Health (National)

Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act 130 of `993 

  1. Increase in monthly pensions. Published in GG 39931 Notice Number 447 dated 15 April 2016.
  2. Amendment of Schedule 4 of the Act. Published in GG 39931 Notice Number 448 dated 15 April 2016.
  3. Increase of maximum amount of earnings on which the assessment of an employer shall be calculated. Published in GG 39931 Notice Number 449 dated 15 April 2016.
  4. Rules, Forms and Particulars. Published in GG 39928 Notice Number 444 dated 15 April 2016.
  5. Annual increase in medical tariffs for service providers. Published in GG 39956 Notice Number 257 and GG 39955 Notice Number 258 dated 26 April 2016.

National Railway Safety Regulator Act 5 of 2008 

  1. Determination of permit fees. Published in GG 39922 Notice Number 439 dated 15 April 2016.

Merchant Shipping (International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund) Contributions Act 36 of 2013 

  1. Determination of rate of levy for 2014 tax period. Published in GG 39922 Notice Number 222 dated 15 April 2016.

Standards Act 8 of 2008 

  1. Issue of new SANS Standards. Published in GG 39943 Notice Number 252 dated 22 April 2016 – see below:




NOTICE 252 OF 2016




In terms of the Standards Act, 2008 (Act No. 8 of 2008), the Board of

the South African Bureau of Standards has acted in regard to standards in

the manner set out in the Schedules to this notice.




The following standards have been issued in terms of section 24(1)(a)

of the Standards Act.





Standard No. and year     Title, scope and purport



SANS 1734:2016/           Specification for an anti-bribery

BS 10500:2011             management system (ABMS). Specifies

requirements for implementing an anti-

bribery management system (ABMS), or the

anti-bribery element of an overall

management system, which addresses the

bribery risks in relation to the

organization’s activities.



SANS 3001-AG12:2016       Civil engineering test methods – Part

AG12: Soundness of aggregates (magnesium

sulphate method). Applies to aggregates

and describes a method to classify their

soundness by soaking samples in magnesium

sulphate and then drying them over a

number of cycles.



SANS 17021-1:2016/        Conformity assessment – Requirements for

ISO/IEC 17021:2015        bodies providing audit and certification

of management systems – Part 1:

Requirements. Contains principles and

requirements for the competence,

consistency and impartiality of bodies

providing audit and certification of all

types of management systems.



SANS 24612:2016/          Language resource management – Linguistic

ISO 24612:2012            annotation framework (LAF). Specifies a

linguistic annotation framework, which

includes an abstract data model and an XML

serialization of that model for

representing annotations of primary data,

for representing linguistic annotations of

language data such as corpora, speech

signal and video.



SANS 61646:2016/          Thin-film terrestrial photovoltaic (PV)

modules -Design qualification and type

IEC 61646:2008            approval. Lays down requirements for the

design qualification and type approval of

terrestrial, thin-film photovoltaic

modules suitable for long-term operation

in general open-air climates as defined in

IEC 60721-2-1. Is intended to apply to all

terrestrial flat plate module materials

not covered by IEC 61215 (published in

South Africa as an identical adoption

under the designation

SANS 61215).



SANS 61730-1:2016/        Photovoltaic (PV) module safety

IEC 61730-1:2004          qualification – Part 1: Requirements for

construction. Describes the fundamental

construction requirements for photovoltaic

modules in order to provide safe

electrical and mechanical operation during

their expected lifetime. Provides specific

topics to assess the prevention of

electrical shock, fire hazards, and

personal injury due to mechanical and

environmental stresses.



SANS 62682:2016/          Management of alarm systems for the

IEC 62682:2014            process industries. Specifies general

principles and processes for the lifecycle

management of alarm systems based on

programmable electronic controller and

computer-based human-machine interface

(HMI) technology for facilities in the

process industries. Covers all alarms

presented to the operator, which includes

alarms from basic process control systems,

annunciator panels, safety instrumented

systems, fire and gas systems, and

emergency response systems.






The following standards have been amended in terms of section 24(1)(a)

of the Standards Act.





Standard No. and year        Title, scope and purport



SANS 865:2016/ (             Ambulance stretchers. Consolidated

Ed.2.4)                      edition incorporating amendment No. 4.

Amended to update referenced standards

and to remove a reference to the South

African Bureau of Standards.



SANS 4384-1:2016/            Plain bearings – Hardness testing oof

ISO 4384-1:2012              bearing metals – Part 1: Multilayer

(Ed. 2)                      bearings materials. Specifies parameters

for the hardness testing of compound

materials for plain bearings made from

steel and bearing metal with bearing

metals based on copper and aluminium,

manufactured by casting, sintering or




SANS 4384-2:2016/ ISO        Plain bearings – Hardness testing of

4384-2:2011 (Ed. 2)          bearing metals -Part 2: Solid materials.

Specifies parameters for the hardness

testing of solid materials for plain

bearings made from cast and wrought

copper and aluminium alloys by machining

and forming their wrought products and

ingots, and of tin-based ingots.



SANS 8253-3:2016/ ISO        Acoustics – Audiometric test methods –

8253-3:2012 (Ed. 2)          Part 3: Speech audiometry. Specifies

basic methods for speech recognition

tests for audiological applications.

Specifies requirements for the

composition, validation and evaluation

of speech test materials, and the

realization of speech recognition tests.



SANS 8779:2010/ (Ed. 1)      Plastics piping systems – Polyethylene

(PE) pipes for irrigation –

Specifications. ISO amendment No. 1.

Amended to correct the table on wall

thicknesses. National amendment No. 1.

Amended to modify the scope, the clause

on terms and definitions, and the

requirements in the clauses on

geometrical characteristics, and




Standard No. and year        Title, scope and purport

SANS 14289-1:2016/ ISO       Document management applications –

14289-1:2014 (Ed. 2)         Electronic document file format

enhancement for accessibility – Part 1:

Use of ISO 32000-1 (PDF/UA-1). Specifies

the use of ISO 32000-1:2008 (published

in South Africa as an identical adoption

under the designation SANS 32000-1) to

produce accessible electronic documents.



SANS 60335-2-101:2016/ IEC   Household and similar electrical

60335-2-101:2014             appliances – Safety – Part 2-101:

Particular requirements for vaporizers.

(Ed.1.2)                     Consolidated edition incorporating

amendment No. 2. Amended to change the

heading of the definitions clause, and

to modify the requirements for

mechanical strength.



SANS 61730-1:2016/ IEC       Photovoltaic (PV) module safety

61730-1:2004 (Ed. 1)         qualification – Part 1: Requirements for

construction. IEC amendment No. 1.

Amended to update referenced standards,

to revise requirements for polymers

serving as an enclosure for live parts,

polymers serving to support live parts

and polymers serving as an outer

surface, to update the requirements for

connectors, and to delete a subclause on

modifications. IEC amendment No. 2.

Amended to revise the general

requirements for polymeric materials.






In terms of section 24(1)(C) of the Standards Act, the following

standards have been withdrawn.





Standard No. and year        Title



SANS 767-2:1983              Earth leakage protection units – Part 2:

Single-phase, portable units.



SANS 5839:2008               Soundness of aggregates (magnesium

sulfate method).



SANS 8230:1997/ ISO          Safety requirements for dry-cleaning

8230:1997                    machines using perchloroethylene.



SANS 61427:2005/ IEC         Secondary cells and batteries for

61427:2005                   photovoltaic energy systems (PVES) –

General requirements and methods of







In terms of section 4(2)(1) the SABS has established the following

technical committees:





Technical       Title                    Scope

Committee No.:



SABS/TC 292/    Security and resilience  Standardization in the

SC 01           – Security and fraud     field of security

countermeasures.         operations, as well as

identification and

authentication systems for

product and



SABS/TC 292/    Security and resilience  Standardization in the

SC 02           – National disaster      field of disaster

management.              management and business/

risk reduction operational.





If your organization is interested in participating in these

committees, please send an e-mail to rose.masha@sabs.co.za for more





In terms of section 24(5) of the Standards Act, the following documents

have being considered withdrawn. NONE




The addresses of offices of the South African Bureau of Standards where

copies of standards mentioned in this notice can be obtained, are as



  1. Gauteng head office, 1 Dr Lategan Road, Groenkloof, Private Bag

X191, Pretoria 0001.


  1. Western Cape Regional Office, SABS, Liesbeek Park Way, Rosebank, PO

Box 615, Rondebosch 7701.


  1. Eastern Cape Regional Office, SABS, 30 Kipling Road, cor. Diaz and

Kipling Roads, Port Elizabeth, PO Box 3013, North End 6056.


  1. KwaZulu-Natal Regional Office, SABS, 15 Garth Road, Waterfall Park,

Durban, PO Box 30087, Mayville 4058.


National Road Traffic Act 93 of 1996 


  1. Dangerous Goods Training Bodies in terms of the National Road Traffic Regulations 2000. Published in GG 39969 Notice Number 268 dated 4 May 2016 – See below




154 Action         Ashley Campbell   Unit 813, Hammets     011 801 9991

Training Academy                     Crossings Office

Park, Cnr. Selbourne

Ave & Government

Road, Fourways

Sandton 2060

  1. Benchmark Richard Momberg 9 Maritz Street,      041 933 4395

Training Academy                     Retief                076 578 3882



Port Elizabeth

  1. Bev Short Beverley Short 22 Arbordale,         031 469 0231

Training                             338 Roland Chapman    083 885 5840

Consultants                          Drive



  1. Brilliant Dianne Potgieter 19 Fountain Road,     011 452 9958

Skills                               Eastleigh             083 807 8791

Development &                        Edenvale

Training                             1810

Solutions (Pty)


  1. Dee’s Daisy Malele Flairlandia Office    011 838 3284

Training                             Park,                 011 838 3255

186 Smit Street

Block C, Unit 9,



  1. DGR Eddie Crane 83 Van Riebeeck       082 492 8355

Compliance                           Avenue,               010 492 0859

Solutions (Pty)                      Alberton

Ltd                                  1449

  1. Emthonjeni Manogran Chetty 92 Johnstone Road,    031 401 7583

Training Academy                     Maydon Wharf          082 378 8065

(Pty) Ltd                            Durban

  1. Future Francois Gantz 1 Roslyn Street       021 822 9052

Building Training                    Brackenfell           083 448 9678



  1. GM Training Johannes 189 Copper Street     012 700 0038

Services           Ramphekoa         Zone 15               078 628 8033



  1. HDM Leon Gouws 2 Volstruis Street    017 631 1209

Productions cc                       Secunda               082 492 1138


  1. Human Pat Clark 9 Morne Street        012 881 8721

Resources,                           Extension 5           012 855 0819

Education,                           The Reeds

Training &                           Centurion

Development (Pty)


  1. OHSTEC Ardene van Der 188 Catharina Drive   012 803 1273

Training & OHS     Riet              22 Le Bourg           082 560 6310

Services                             La Montagne


  1. Orion Moogandhai 192 Crimby Ave        031 402 0350

Industrial         Govender          Westcliff             083 288 8194

Training Services                    Chatsworth

(Pty) Ltd                            4092

  1. PREGZS KAI Anand Naidoo 17 Fieldside Avenue   031 539 2809

Training Services                    Centenary Park        072 537 0304

(Pty) Ltd                            Phoenix


  1. Sediba Julanda 119 Sauer Road        016 383 1744

Sabasadi Skills    Pretorius         Glen Donald           082 798 0938

Training Academy                     Meyerton

  1. Shayela Basil Mann 108 Hampton Road      011 238 7230

Driver Training                      Glen Austin           082 557 1750

Academy (Pty) Ltd                    Midrand


  1. Tjeka Willie van Tjeka House           021 978 8057

Training Matters   Heerden           No. 5 Park Street

(Pty) Ltd                            Durbanville


  1. Wasteman Janine Basson- 1 Ipswich Street      021 908 9020

Holdings (Pty)     Hermanus          Hagley                082 888 0457

Ltd                                  Blackheath


  1. ZACKMR Zacharia Ruele 2212 Sharpeville      073 280 5273

Trading                              Vereeniging

Enterprise                           1928

(Pty) Ltd



  Standards Act 8 of 2008 

  1. Issue of new SANS Standards. Published in GG 40001 Notice Number 295 dated 20 May 2016.

Section 3 – Safety, Health and Environmental (Draft National Legislation and Regulation) 

National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act 10 of 2004 

  1. Draft Biodiversity Management Plan for Hartbeesspruit Ecosystem. Members of the public are invited to submit written comments within 30 days of the publication of the notice. Published in GG 39922 Notice Number 427 dated 15 April 2016.

Department of Mineral Resources  

  1. Review of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Charter for the South African Mining and Minerals Industry 2016. Interested and affected parties are invited to submit written comments within 30 days of publication of this notice. Published in GG 39933 Notice Number 450 dated 15 April 2016.

  National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998 

  1. Proposed adoption of standards for land-based abalone aquaculture. Members of the public are invited to submit written comments within 30 days of the publication of this notice in the gazette. Published in GG 39971 Notice Number 503 dated 6 May 2016.
  2. Proposed activities identified in terms of section 24(2)(d) that may be excluded from the requirement to obtain an environmental authorisation but which activities must comply with standards for land based abalone aquaculture. Members of the public are invited to submit written comments within 30 days of the publication of this notice in the gazette. Published in GG 39971 Notice Number 504 dated 6 May 2016.
  3. Proposed amendments to the regulations relating to qualification criteria, training and identification of, and forms to be used by, environmental management inspectors. Members of the public are invited to submit written comments within 30 days after the publication of the notice in the gazette. Published in GG 39985 Notice Number 520 dated 13 May 2016.

Department of Trade and Industry  

  1. Proposed African Exploration Mining and Finance Corporation Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Facilitator Status. Interested parties are invited to submit written comments within 30 days from the date of this publication. Published in GG 40031 Notice Number 308 dated 1 June 2016.

 National Health Act 61 of 2003 

  1. Proposed amendment to the regulations regarding the general control of human bodies, tissue, blood, blood products and gametes. Interested persons are invited to submit written comments within one month from the date of this notice. Published in GG 39982 Notice Number 515 dated 11 May 2016.

Section 4 – Safety, Health & Environmental (Provincial Legislation & Municipal By-laws)

Eastern Cape Province  

  1. Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002: extension of declared local state of drought disaster. Published in PG 3648 Notice Number 57 dated 8 April 2016.
  2. Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002: extension of declared local state of organic pollution disaster. Published in PG 3648 Notice Number 58 dated 8 April 2016.


  1. Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002: Declaration of provincial state of disaster. Published in PG 3656 Notice Number 70 dated 22 April 2016.


  1. Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002: extension of declared local state of drought disaster for the OR Tambo District Municipality. Published in PG 3657 Notice Number 71 dated 25 April 2016.



  1. Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002: extension of declared local state of drought disaster for OR Tambo District Municipality. Published in PG 3659 Notice Number 72 dated 2 May 2016.


  1. Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002: extension of declared local state of organic pollution disaster. Published in PG 3663 Notice Number 76 dated 6 May 2016.


  1. Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002: extension of declared local state of disaster for the Joe Gqabi District Municipality. Published in PG 3663 Notice Number 75 dated 6 May 2016.


  1. Matatiele Local Municipality: Control of public recreational facilities by-law. Published in PG 3666 Notice Number 84 dated 10 May 2016.


  1. Matatiele Local Municipality: Environmental by-law. Published in PG 3666 Notice Number 87 dated 10 May 2016.


  1. Matatiele Local Municipality: Law Enforcement by-law. Published in PG 3666 Notice Number 88 dated 10 May 2016.


  1. Matatiele Local Municipality: Pound by-law. Published in PG 3666 Notice Number 90 dated 10 May 2016.


  1. Matatiele Local Municipality: Municipal Commonage by-law. Published in PG 3666 Notice Number 91 dated 10 May 2016.


  1. Matatiele Local Municipality: Keeping of animals, birds, bees, pets, poultry by-law. Published in PG 3666 Notice Number 92 dated 10 May 2016.


  1. Matatiele Local Municipality: Cemetery and Crematoria by-law. Published in PG 3666 Notice Number 93 dated 10 May 2016.


  1. Matatiele Local Municipality: Nuisance by-law. Published in PG 3666 Notice Number 94 dated 10 May 2016.


  1. Matatiele Local Municipality: Swimming Pools and Spa Baths by-law. Published in PG 3666 Notice Number 96 dated 10 May 2016.


  1. Matatiele Local Municipality: Public Roads by-law. Published in PG 3666 Notice Number 97 dated 10 May 2016.
  2. Matatiele Local Municipality: Aerodrome by-law. Published in PG 3670 Notice Number 18 dated 17 May 2016.


  1. Matatiele Local Municipality: Electricity by-law. Published in PG 3670 Notice Number 19 dated 17 May 2016.


  1. Matatiele Local Municipality: By-law on the management and control of informal settlements. Published in PG 3670 Notice Number 20 dated 17 May 2016.


  1. Repeal and replacement of the zoning scheme regulations in the Camdeboo Municipal Area. Published in PG 3672 Notice Number 45 dated 23 May 2016.


  1. Nature and Conservation Ordinance 19 of 1974: 2016 Hunting Season and Daily Bag Limits. Published in PG 3676 Notice Number 22 dated 20 May 2016.


  1. Intsika Yethu Municipality: Control over buildings by-law. Published in PG 3676 Notice Number 47 dated 30 May 2016.


KwaZulu-Natal Province  


  1. Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002: Extension of the declaration of a provincial state of disaster. Published in PG 1651 Notice Number 81 dated 8 April 2016.


  1. National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998: Adoption of the Environmental Management Framework for the Richards Bay Industrial Zone and Port Expansion. Published in PG 1654 Notice Number 10 dated 14 April 2016.


  1. KwaZulu-Natal Health Act 4 of 2000: Amendment to the tariffs in terms of the regulations relating to the administration, management and control of private hospitals, services and institutions. Published in PG 1658 Notice Number 87 dated 20 April 2016.

Northern Cape Province


  1. Magareng Local Municipality: Land Use Management By-law. Published in PG 2004 Notice Number 30 dated 11 April 2016.


  1. Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002: Extension of the declaration of a provincial state of drought disaster. Published in PG 2005 Notice Number 31 dated 15 April 2016.


  1. Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002: extension of declared provincial state of disaster. Published in PG 1665 Notice Number 92 dated 9 May 2016.
  2. Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002: extension of declared provincial state of disaster. Published in PG 1680 Notice Number 100 dated 1 June 2016.


  1. Endumeni Municipality: Fire Prevention by-law. Published in PG 1672 Notice Number 51 dated 19 May 2016.


  1. Endumeni Municipality: Parking by-law. Published in PG 1672 Notice Number 52 dated 19 May 2016.


  1. Endumeni Municipality: Refuse removal and disposal by-law. Published in PG 1672 Notice Number 53 dated 19 May 2016.


  1. Endumeni Municipality: Cemeteries by-law. Published in PG 1672 Notice Number 54 dated 19 May 2016.


  1. Endumeni Municipality: Stormwater management by-law. Published in PG 1672 Notice Number 56 and 57 dated 19 May 2016.


Western Cape Province  


  1. Saldanha Bay Industrial Development Zone Licensing Company Act 1 of 2016. Published in PG 7600 Notice Number 128 dated 8 April 2016.


  1. Heritage Western Cape: Provisional protection of heritage resources. Published in PG 7581 dated 11 March 2016.


  1. Mossel Bay Municipality: Amendment to the Water Services By-law. Published in PG 7603 Notice Number 135 dated 15 April 2016.


  1. Cederberg Municipality: Municipal Land Use Planning By-law. Published in PG 7604 Notice Number 137 dated 15 April 2016.


  1. Fees in terms of the Western Cape Heritage Regulations. Published in PG 7608 Notice Number 143 dated 21 April 2016.


  1. Commencement of the Western Cape Land Use Planning Act 3 of 2014 in certain municipal areas. Published in PG 7609 Notice Number 7 dated 25 April 2016.


  1. Swellendam Municipality: By-law relating to public amenities. By-law relating to the control of cemeteries. Published in PG 7616 dated 10 May 2016.
  2. Adoption of the Western Cape Coastal Management Plan. Published in PG 7620 Notice Number 212 dated 27 May 2016.


Gauteng Province  


  1. Nature Conservation Ordinance 12 of 1983: open season: ordinary game. Published in PG 144 Notice Number 144 dated 19 April 2016.


Mpumalanga Province  


  1. Spatial Planning and Land Use Management By-law: Chief Albert Luthlui, Dipaleseng, Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme, Lekwa, Mkhondo and Msukaligwa Local Municipalities. Published in PG 2683 Notice Number 8 dated 22 April 2016.


North West Province 


  1. Rustenburg Local Municipality: By-law relating to public cemeteries. By-law relating to open spaces, parks, side walks and gardens. By-law relating to swimming pools and spa baths. Published in PG 7646 Notice Number 87 dated 18 May 2016.


Limpopo Province  


  1. Makhado Municipality: Spatial Planning and Land Use Management By-law. Published in PG 2708 Notice Number 41 dated 20 May 2016.


Section 5 – Safety, Health & Environmental (Draft Provincial Legislation & By-laws)

Gauteng Province 


  1. City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality: proposed amendment to the Treated Effluent Water Advertising By-law. The public are invited to submit written comments before the end of the day on 31 May 2016. Published in PG 136 Notice Number 579 dated 14 April 2016.


  1. City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality: proposed amendment to the Outdoor Advertising Bylaw. The public are invited to submit written comments before the end of the day on 31 May 2016. Published in PG 136 Notice Number 581 dated 14 April 2016.


Northern Cape Province 

  1. Joe Morolong Local Municipality Spatial Development Framework (SDF) Review. All stakeholders and communities are encouraged to participate in the review which commenced on 1 April 2016 and will be carried out over a period of 14 months. Published in PG 2012 Notice Number 17 dated 9 May 2016.
  2. Ga-Segonyana Local Municipality Spatial Development Framework (SDF) Review. All stakeholders and communities are encouraged to participate in the review which commenced on 1 April 2016 and will be carried out over a period of 14 months. Published in PG 2013 Notice Number 18 dated 16 May 2016.





North-West Province  

  1. Draft North-West Provincial Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Bill 2015. Interested parties are invited to submit written comments by no later than 30 days after the publication hereof. Published in PG 7651 Notice Number 96 dated 31 May 2016.


  1. National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act 57 of 2003: Correction notice: intention to declare a protected environment and two nature reserves. Members of the public are invited to submit written comments within 60 days of its publication. PG 7624 of 11 March is withdrawn and replaced with PG 7652 Notice Number 85 dated 31 May 2016.
