Welcome to Protocor’s new Website
POSTED ON: May 13, 2016 IN Latest Protocor Newsby laurence
Welcome To Protocor’s New Website
We are very proud to announce that this new website will assist all of our clients in accessing legal updates, the latest environmental and health and safety news as well as being able to purchase value adding EHS products and access EHS services to assist you with implementing your management systems. We hope that this portal will eventually be able to satisfy all of your EHS requirements going forward. We welcome your input as clients in respect of ways to improve the site as well as new items that you feel may be worthwhile including on the site.
The website has been designed with you the client in mind and we hope that going forward it will be a portal that will be able to satisfy all of your environmental health and safely needs.
Conrad Geldenhuys
Helen Ferendinos
Specialist legal consultation services